Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand

    The article presented brings up issues such as Guantanamo Bay and well as September 11th 2001, and the significance of having the news about them being covered by "military analysts". The important thing to be aware of is the influence these analysts have, as the article states about them, "whose long service has equipped them to give authoritative and unfettered judgments".  The New York Times reports how these kinds of new reporters favor and are biased towards the government administration agenda. Throughout the article are examples and text about the buisness or news, and how good news is bad buisness and poor news is good buisness, and how this ties into the government and military on the news as well.

    In the 21st century to today, it has been brought up through the fog, what the news media is really made of. the question that the article presented is related to is the overall manipulation, control and power there is in the news buisness. When there is a firm and secretive  relationship between media and government. The fewer big news businesses and corporations will only make the ones that remain with more will to broadcast and express what they please. a video that relates to the concern highly is presented by the TV station, Real TV.
Information in today's society in general is so complicated it is becoming more and more complex as people advance in time. with the recent technological advances such as the Internets face book, twitter,you tube and other social networking sites, information is presented from multiple location, from just one source(internet). An example from today would be a news article related to the conflict in Libya and the controversy on the US taking action to "help the situation". http://www.infowars.com/chavez-u-s-distorting-situation-in-libya-to-justify-an-invasion/. The news article is an example the complex confusion from information today, and it all revolves around opinion and judgment. The article exploits two things, a man from Libya warning how the US is manipulating people to accept an invasion on the country, were at the end the author quotes Hilary Clinton expressing that, “nothing is off the table so long as the Libyan government continues to threaten and kill Libyan citizens.”

 People need to be aware that media is the biggest tool for control, censorship and manipulation of the information on TV and the Internet, and when a government has that power, they have that power at their disposal.
 A video example exemplifies the confusion and complication with what news is and what the role of journalism plays into it.  In the "news clip" of FOX, it does not report and important information, rather it is a clip of Bill' o Reilly and Bernie Goldberg arguing on a segment of people protesting about FOX news and how it "lies".
The problem with FOX news's segment is that it does not inform the public of any sort of information or concern, rather just defends itself against protesters who are claiming FOX news isn't actual truthful journalism.
what does these kind of news clips do? nothing important or informative to the American people, just present an issue that never gets resolved in the video that only creates criticism about news channels, not actual news.

However getting back to the issue of military analysts, the problem is that news channels will expose almost anything lower then them with power, but when it comes to hiring of military analyst and their procedures on shows, they cannot expose themselves.when those with highly respected labels with "military" in them, they are to have a much stronger influence on the subject they argue on.

A quote from the article,

"NBC News also declined to discuss its procedures for hiring and monitoring military analyst . The network issued a short statement: “We have clear policies in place to assure that the people who appear on our air have been appropriately vetted and that nothing in their profile would lead to even a perception of a conflict of interest."

- the problem is that "perception of a conflict of interest" is the government and news corporations interests, not the public.

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